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give this blaaaaaar a name contest!!!!

if we pick your blaaaaar title for this episode we will post it under the heading "WINNER" along with your name.


Kathryn said...


that is my entry.

when i pushed the button that said "follow" it put up my profile picture with the google g in the corner. why.

matthew savoca said...

kathryn is the only person on the internet or in the real world who likes anything good

i can say this here with confidence that no metaphysical damage will be done to my internet persona, knowing that only she will read it

GREG LYTLE said...

i got all excited because i saw that there was a second post and then it was the other person who made these so it doesn't count. kathryn probably wins then. let's not make it a default. last chance suckers!

Kathryn said...

i am awesome.